Hint: To make sure that the gene signature file is in the "Unix" format, in your terminal, type dos2unix file (file = your gene signature file) to convert the gene signature file into unix format.
Assignment 2
Singh et al derived a
KRAS-dependency gene siganture for colorectal cancer using four KRAS-dependent lines (SK-CO-1, SW620, SW1116 and RCM-1) and four KRAS-independnet lines (LS-174T, SW837, SW1463 and SW948)
The KRAS-dependency gene signature contains 687 independent and 832 dependent genes.
Your collaborator is very excited about this publication, and would like to find out the KRAS-dependency of the other four colorectal cancer cell lines [TEST SET: cell lines A, B, C, and D] in his lab. Could you help to predict the KRAS-dependency of these lines?
Specifically, please complete the following tasks:
- Perform clustering on the training set using the published gene signature.
- Export the dendogram and heatmap of the training set.
- Perform clustering on the training and test sets using the published gene signature.
- Export the dendogram and heatmap of the combined training and test sets.
- Predict the KRAS-dependency of the test set.
Data Sets:
The microarray gene expression profiles were obtained from the Broad Institute website as described in the paper. These samples were profiled on the Affymetrix HT HG-U133A microarrays. The raw data were normalized by RMA and the signal intensities are in log2 transformed values.